Law Offices of Stuart M. Flashman

Clients and Cases

Professional Background
Environmental Law
Land Use Law
Elections Law
Clients and Cases
Smart Growth vs. Wisely Planned Communities
Does CEQA have a future?
A Short Diatribe on Political Campaign Reform

Typical Clients

  • Hayward Area Planning Association, Citizens for Alternative Transportation Solutions - Issues related to Route 238 improvement project in Hayward and Castro Valley.  Clients since 1994.
    contacts:  HAPA - Sherman Lewis  (510) 538-3692;  CATS - Audrey LePell (510) 538-4654

Cases:  Hayward Area Planning Association v. Van Lobel Sels et al. (1994) [challenge to Caltrans funding for Route 238 Project], Alameda County Superior Court Case No. C-735527.  (Dismissed as unripe for litigation)

Hayward Area Planning Association & Citizens for Alternative Transportation Solutions v. Alameda County Transportation Authority et al.(1997) [challenge to local sales tax funding for Caltrans Route 238 Project], Alameda County Superior Court Case No. C-786768; First District Court of Appeal Case No A082685. Published decision (Hayward Area Planning Assn. v. Alameda County Transportation Authority (1999) 72 Cal.App.4th 95 [84 Cal.Rptr.2d 744]) reversing trial court decision granting summary judgment to defendants.  On remand, judgment for plaintiffs after five-day court trial. Affirmed on appeal in unpublished decision (First District Court of Appeal Case No. A098051 .)

  • Sherman Lewis - Litigation related to HAPA challenge to Caltrans Route 238 Project, and representation on other development issues in and around Hayward. Client since 1992.

Contact:    (510) 538-3692

Cases: Lewis v. State of California, Department of Transportation (1996)  Alameda County Superior Court Case No. C-777023 [Petition for Writ of Mandate under California Public Records Act.]  Judgment for Plaintiff.  Petition Granted.

Mervyn's v. Reyes, [Lewis] (1997)  [Challenge to City of Hayward open space preservation initiative]  Alameda County Superior Court Case No. H-194536; First District Court of Appeal Cases No. Civ. No. A078208, Civ. No. A079486 (consolidated for hearing and decision). Published decision (Mervyn's v. Reyes (1998) 69 Cal.App.4th 93) Reversed trial court decision. Found initiative invalid as violative of state election law provisions; also reversed trial court award of attorneys' fees to Mervyn's.

  • El Sobrante Valley Legal Defense Fund, Richmond CA - Protection of opens space and environmental values in the El Sobrante Valley (City of Richmond & unincorporated Contra Costa County).  Client since 1991.

contact - Eleanor Loynd (510) 223-6398

Cases:  El Sobrante Valley Legal Defense Fund and Sierra Club v. City of Richmond et al.["Clark Road"], (1990) Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. C 90-04032.  (Judgment for Plaintiffs)

El Sobrante Valley Legal Defense Fund v. City of Richmond et al. ["Mosher Property"], (1990) Contra Costa Superior Court Case No. C 90-05229. (Judgment for Plaintiffs)

El Sobrante Valley Legal Defense Fund v. City of Richmond [Richmond General Plan] (1994) Contra Costa Superior Court Case No. C 94-04010, consolidated with East Bay Regional Park District v. City of Richmond, Case No. C 94-03974.  (Settlement through entry of stipulated judgment)

El Sobrante Valley Legal Defense Fd. v. City of Richmond et al. ["Castro Ranch"], (1997) Contra Costa Superior Court Case No. . C97-00144, First District Court of Appeal Civil Case No. A090262 [unpublished decision].  (Judgment for Defendants)

  • Citizens for Balanced Growth, Livermore, CA - Controlling urban sprawl in the Tri-Valley area of Alameda/Contra Costa County.  Client since 1998.

contact - Donald Miller  (925) 447-4875

  • Preserve Area Ridgelands Committee, Livermore, CA - Protecting open space in the Tri-Valley area of Alameda/Contra Costa County. Client  since 1992.

contact - Margaret Tracy (925) 447-0115

Cases:  Citizens for Balanced Growth v. Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation Dist. et al. (1998) [Dougherty Valley], Alameda County Superior Court Case No. V-014957-8; Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 98 CS02670, consolidated with City of Livermore v. Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservat. Dist., Zone 7 et al., Case No. 98 CS02671.  (Settlement through entry of stipulated judgment)

Preserve Area Ridgelands Committee and Citizens for Balanced Growth v. Board of Supervisors of Alameda County et al.  (2000) [Alameda County Measure "C"], Alameda County Superior Court Case No. V-019150-6  (Motion for Preliminary Injunction denied);  First District Court of Appeal Case No. A092731 (appeal dismissed as moot); (Case voluntarily dismissed by plaintiffs after Measure C defeated by the voters)

Butler et al v. City of Dublin et al (consolidated with City of Pleasanton v. City of Dublin et al.) (1993) [East Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan], Alameda County Superior Court Case No. V-006964-9; San Mateo County Superior Court Case No. 385533.  (Judgment for defendants, but specifying that all mitigation measures adopted by City are mandatory in nature.)

Sierra Club, Preserve Area Ridgelands Committee, and James Blickenstaff v. City of San Ramon et al. (1998) [Thomas Ranch Development Project], Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. C98-01572  (Judgment for Defendants); First District Court of Appeal Cases No. A085620, A086245 (Petition for Writ of Supersedeas denied, Appeal voluntarily dismissed by plaintiffs through settlement)

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Law Offices of
Stuart M. Flashman
5626 Ocean View Drive
Oakland, CA 94618-1533
(510) 652-5373 (voice & fax)
last updated:  November 17, 2008